Thursday, February 25, 2016

Gun Control: Controlling Ourselves

I really do try to stay away from political things online because I know there are several views out there, but I saw this gem on Twitter today, and I have some things to say about it. 

1) College is the time of your life when your world view should be dumped on its face. College and education as a whole is the time where you should "go there" and push the boundaries of all you know. 

2) Someone shouldn't have to stop teaching a subject because someone is butt hurt by it. My roommate didn't stop eating pizza when I went on a diet, I just don't eat the pizza (that often). If you can't control your emotions about a topic, don't take that class. If it's required? Suck it up. Life is full of things that you won't like. Get over it. 

3) Educators shouldn't be asked to censor themselves for fear of being KILLED. You should teach your children to grow up and not kill people. 

4) Yeah, mental health is a problem, I agree it needs to be addressed. The stigma and affordability and accessibility to aid for mental health isn't exactly the best. That being said, my parent(s) also raised me to understand that things don't always go my way, and I learned to accept "losing" at an early age. 

5) I'm not after "your" guns, but something needs to be done. And yes, criminals will get them either way, but that doesn't mean we should just sit and wait to be gunned down. People are going on killing sprees frequently. Okies want to complain about earthquakes, but we can't complain that people are dying everyday from gun related deaths?

6) I am a firearms owner. I have had 3 firearms passed down to me by both of my parents. I am responsible with them, and I respect them enough to know that if I fire one of them, I better have a damn good reason. 

And finally,

7) Please. educate yourself and your children to not kill people. I don't want to die because I rejected a man, or because someone is pissed off, and I damn sure don't want my friends to get killed because they are black, and I don't want my friends to die because they practice a certain religion.

Respect one another enough to let them live. Respect one another enough to not kill them in cold blood. Be a human being. That's all I ask. 

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