Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Snowball's Chance in Hell: Ads That Give me Feelings

I really love advertising. There are constantly ads that pull my heart strings, and inspire me to be more awesome. I have a "Top Ten" that constantly changes and grows as new content becomes available. I have seem some great ads lately, and I want to share them with all of you.

GE: A Snowball's Chance in Hell
Okay, so I am no engineer, but I am really obsessed with the idea of living with an "un-impossible" mindset. BBDO produces some really amazing advertisements and I love the work they do in experiential marketing as well. They are coming to a career fair I will be at in a couple of weeks, and I hope to make a great connection.

Extra Gum: The Story of Sarah and Juan
Energy BBDO brings it again with this commercial. I love this love, and even more that it represents people of color and brings up inter-racial relationships. Energy BBDO is a wonderful company who will be at a career fair I am attending in a couple of weeks. I hope to make a new connection, because that could be a dream job. I also really like their experiential department.

Honey Maid: Unconditional Love
Okay, listen. I am obsessed with this commercial, because I love seeing more exposure for "non-traditional" families. I love seeing homosexual relationships and people of color featured in commercials because it doesn't happen enough. Droga5 brings us great feelings of hope and love, and this is definitely a commercial for graham crackers. 

A Year in Search: Google's Heartwarming Video
I love reflecting on the previous year, accomplishments and some heart-stopping pain. The hope that comes after a tragedy, and the banding together of human beings to be human beings. 72andSunny brings us the real questions; what we search for defines who we are.

Angel Soft: Happy Father's Day, Mom
Deutsch hit me with a ton of bricks on this one. I was sobbing in an office alone after this commercial came across my YouTube ads. As many people know, my mom was a single parent, and she passed away when I was 16. This ad really gave me something to hold on to, and brings tears to my eyes again, as my biological dad passed away last July. 

Advertising is really an outlet for me. I put creativity and feelings in, and this is the kind of thing that comes out. I am so glad to have found my calling/passion so early on in life. I truly believe this is what I was meant to do. 

"I would rather die of passion, than of boredom." -Vincent Van Gogh

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