Friday, April 22, 2016

Pre Post-Grad

There is a lot of emotion that surrounds graduation, and I feel like at some point pre, during, or post graduation ceremony, I'm absolutely going to lose my will to hold in the uncontrollable sobbing. 

You see, college has been 4 years of absolute Hell for me, but it has also been the best 4 of my life. I feel like a 2 year old who has no sippy cup and my blanket is definitely in the washer. College isn't going to be here anymore, and that thought, while AWESOME, is also pretty scary. 

I am really thankful to have such a lust for life. I'm in love with living and living to the fullest. I can't wait to live a dedicated life, but at the same time, the uncertainty surrounding graduation and finding a job and where I will end up is mildly traumatizing. 

Knowing who I want to be is a good start, and I am glad that I figured that out as early as I did. Live the life you want, and hopefully, the rest will fall into place. Good luck and good vibes. 

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