Saturday, April 9, 2016

Hail Alma Mater: From Probation to Honors

So, I'm graduating from college. Weird, right? Four years and 35K later, and it's time for me to shake hands with the president (#PBetz) and take my diploma case. I'm reflecting now on how different things are from 2012 to 2016. 

Many people don't know this, but when I first came to the University of Central Oklahoma, I had almost nothing. I didn't have many friends, my dad and I had almost no relationship, and my mom had already passed away. I was also in the midst of leaving an abusive relationship, and the pieces that I had of my life were falling apart. 

My abusive boyfriend had hurt me, emotionally, physically, mentally. I was broken, and no one was around to put me back together. I had alienated my friends and family because I was with him. So, I got into college and I left. I moved into a terrible apartment, alone, and began my college journey. 

In 2012, I was different. Having just left that relationship, I needed something to validate me. So, I joined a sorority. A sure fire way to meet people, make friends and get involved. I had been in a ton of activities in high school, I could definitely do it in college. 

I finished my first semester of undergraduate with a 1.71 GPA. For those of you who might not be sure how GPA works, that's not good. I had joined a sisterhood, but with minimal support, and still dealing with the trauma of my past, I was struggling in school. When you do poorly for a semester, you are put on Academic Probation, a scary word for "you're up shit creek if you don't get it together." I was having nervous breakdowns, and I couldn't deal with the constant pressures that collegiate life was throwing at me. All of that changed when I finally had professors that took the time with me. They taught me things in a way I understood them, and they made me speak up. With a new found confidence, my GPA skyrocketed to a low 3 point after my second semester. 

Two more years passed of more successes, and some losses. Hard choices, lots of tears, all nighters, and coffee were all present for these. Group projects and pain-staking details, until it was time for me to start the final chapter: my senior year. 

I can't tell you how many laughs, tears, jokes, stories, mistakes, and memories we're made, shared, and told throughout these four years. There's been so many people who have been in my life for just a season, but most importantly, there are those who will last a lifetime. 

I graduate 15 days from now, a member of an honor society, for high GPAs among the American Advertising Federation members. I graduate with a bachelors in Strategic Communication, and a found passion for Political Science, Philosophy, and Sociology. I graduate knowing I did my best, and worked my butt off for this. 

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