Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nous Sommes Tous Des Gens

Je ne m'en fous, a french phrase meaning I don't care. (Some translations include some more vulgar translations, but for this post, let's consider it I don't care.)

Je ne m'en fous si vous êtes américain. I don't care if you are American.
Je ne m'en fous si vous êtes jeune ou vieux. I don't care if you are young or old. Je ne m'en fous si vous êtes à propos de votre religion. I don't care about your religion.

What I do care about are people, and in Paris, yesterday, the world lost over 150 people. Normal, everyday people, out at a cafe, or enjoying a concert. 150 people have been hurt in this war. This war about conflicting view-points. This war that has killed not only hundreds of people in Paris, but thousands around the world. By no means am I trying to lessen the blow of the impact the Parisian Terror Attacks will have on global history, but I want people to know that there are several instances that do not get televised. Hundreds of people are killed everyday in Syria and Iraq, and this is so frequent that I AM SYRIA (a not-for-profit education resource) has an updated daily death toll calculator hereISIS is terrorizing the entire world, and while the États Unis et Russie (United States and Russia) have made attempts at air strikes, it may be too late. One of the Parisian attackers was a French national, identified by fingerprints (source). I can't say for certain how many attacks there will be, or even if we will ever see and end, but I do know one thing, we will always stand together. Those of us who choose to band together, and not stand apart. Those of us who hold hands, instead of holding grudges. What these terrorists did was an attempt to tear us all apart, but we have the opportunity as Americans, Parisians, and people to bond together, to love each other through the hate. 

The day after 9/11, the headline of the French newspaper Le Monde read, "Nous sommes tous américains". Meaning, we are all American. Today, after the attacks in Paris, Le Soir (a different newspaper) reads, "Nous sommes tous des Parisiens". And today, after all has been said and done, I believe it to be Nous sommes tous des gens. We are all people.

My sincere apology for any misspellings or mistranslated phrases, I am an Elementary French II student, and not a native speaker.

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