Saturday, October 24, 2015

I'm not the model citizen; #OSUStrong #BronchoStrong

Today, I sat in the CHK Central Oklahoma Boathouse in downtown OKC, and listened while a man named Mike Beard spoke about the United Nations new Sustainable Goals. These goals include limiting poverty, cleaning up slums, and generally improving the world and peace keeping efforts on a global scale. 

Shortly before I left this morning to attend this luncheon, I recognized the all too familiar sound of a flat tire. Luckily, I was still at my apartment complex and I was able to call my roommates boyfriend to come help me change the tire. We got it fixed and I left for the United Nations Association- Greater OKC luncheon, to celebrate United Nations day, and the 70th anniversary of this wonderful global organization. 

As I pulled into the boathouse district, I reflected on some of the events that are occurring around the world, and how the UN Sustainable Goals will influence the violent behaviors we are seeing demonstrated on the global stage right now. The bombing in Syria, and the Immigration Crisis in not only Europe but Central America, even things out of human control such as Hurricane Patricia. I reflected on the world that I want to change, I reflected on how I could. Then I heard the news: 

A friend of mine seated next to me at this lunch, leaned over and asked me if I had seen what was happening in Stillwater. I had not, so I immediately went to my number 1 local news source, Facebook. Sure enough, some of the people I am friends with had shared news articles, and witness accounts of what had gone on just 2 hours before our lunch had begun. A woman, just 2 years older than myself, had run her car (drunkenly) into the homecoming parade in Stillwater. Oklahoma State University students, as well as young children were killed or seriously injured because of this woman. Among those who were killed, a University of Central Oklahoma MBA student. 

If I know anything, it's that Oklahoma bands together in the face of adversity. Cowboys, Sooners, and yes, even Bronchos come together today to spread prayer and hope across the campus of OSU. It's time for this to end. Drunk driving is dangerous, and with programs like Uber and Lyft, there is no reason for it. It was 10:30 in the morning, and for some, it was their first homecoming. For others, it was a grim reminder that life is so short. This time, I won't look the other way. Don't drive if you are drunk. DO NOT DRIVE IF YOU ARE DRUNK. Sleep in your car, crash on someone's couch. Please, do not get behind the wheel if you can't drive. If you know me personally, ask me for my cell number. I will come get you, no matter what time it is, judgement free, wherever you are. 

Someone took 4 lives today. She injured 27 others. She ruined the lives of families everywhere, because she chose to do it. For the good of the world, on a global scale, please, do not drink and drive. 

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