Monday, July 20, 2015

Hatred in the Heartland

So, I normally prefer to remain (relatively) poised on social media, but today something happened that embarrassed me for the state of my country. I am "friends" on Facebook with one of my Mother's old co-workers, and she is your typical hardcore right wing conservative. She thinks we help the needy too much, and thinks all Muslims are terrorists. A real gem. 

Anyway, I am happily scrolling through my feed when I happen upon a listing; pages long of why Muslims are a terrorist group. Generalizing a whole people because of the actions of a few people who have taken the idea and twisted it. I immediately felt heat in my face radiating to my torso and I was ready to comment her a new asshole, when I stopped. I had typed out a scathing comment about being a racist and being degrading, and I stopped. I blocked this woman and reported her post for being "offensive to a group, race, or minority" (I think that's how Facebook phrases it.) 

This got me to thinking about the problem with races and religions in America. Why is it SO hard for certain American's to let go of their pre (and often ill) conceived notions about race and religious affiliations. I hate to say this, but it doesn't just stop at Muslims. Black men and women; men and women from the Middle East; men and women who practice in the Church of Latter Day Saints. There is stigma attached to every single one of those groups of people. And it's all horse shit. 

Racism (along with sexism and prejudice) is NOT nature for human beings. There is scientific research out there to prove that. It's taught. Racism is learned. Sexism is learned. Prejudice is learned. You are the greatest reflection of what you want the world to be like. Yes, I have made racist statements before. I admit it. Do I regret those choices I made? Yes. Am I deeply sorry? Yes. It doesn't make it okay, at all, and I agree. Please know that I know more now than I used to, and while not knowing isn't an excuse, I hope education (educating myself and others) will fix the issue. 

Please believe me when I say that these views aren't shared by all people. I know that Muslim does not equal terrorist. Please people, change your way of seeing others. If you believe in God and the Bible, than please, consider the words "love thy neighbor as thyself." If you are calling your neighbor a terrorist or insinuating that your neighbor is a terrorist, you are only part of the problem. Be proactive, instead of complaining, change yourself instead. 

-screenshots of original Facebook post, warning post contains strong stupidity-

-EDITORS NOTE: a lot of these "facts" aren't even real, please take this for what it is worth and consider.-

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