Saturday, July 18, 2015

Ashley, the beautiful.

As we all are aware, July 4th consists of Americans being more American for a 24 hour period than they are the other 364 days of the (non-leap) year. At 11:59 PM on July 3rd, we can all agree that America as a whole could definitely improve a bit. However, once that clock rolls around to 12:00 AM July 4th, the bald eagle inside all of us is unleashed and we start to bleed red, white, and blue. The same effect is quickly achieved at 12:00 AM July 5th, where we move on from the torrent of star spangled debauchery, back into our homes and into our beds to await the next glistening holiday weekend. 

Today, I woke up, much like any other Saturday, ready to go back to sleep. So, I called my friend to tell her that I would not be attending our weekly ritual of heading out to our local farmers market, and would instead be enjoying a few more hours with the inside of my eyelids. About an hour into this, I woke up from a nightmare about school, and got out of bed to get dressed and head to the grocery store. 

As I approached the store, the parking lot was over-run with soccer moms, and dads who probably forgot that their wives great aunt Charlene is a vegan, who needs a food substitute. I decided that Crest was a little too full for me, so I moved on to the slightly over priced, but definitely more convenient, Sprouts, up the street. As I walked up to the store, they had a small display of multi colored neon cacti. I'm serious when I say that these were living neon cacti. I bought a pink one. I bought my groceries and headed back to my apartment. Shortly after, my friend and I were hungry, so we celebrated America Day by investing in some Vietnamese Pho. What a trip! 

We drove to the other side of town to go to her moms to meet up with her family to go to the carnival being held at the biggest park in Bethany. We rode 2 rides and walked through the maze house. One called Cliff Hanger (a sort of hang-gliding ride) and the other a generic Ferris Wheel. We had a blast. I played a farirway game in the hopes to win a goldfish, and I ended up winning a turtle and a goldfish! The turtle, now named Crush, will be taking residence at my best friend's house. The goldfish on the other hand, a soon to be new resident at my house, named Nixon, will be moving in tomorrow after I can get to Petsmart to get him a new bowl and some food. 

All and all, I had a wonderful evening that I wouldn't trade for anything. 

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