Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Hey, there, it's been a while

So, when I checked how long it had been since I blogged about what is happening in my busy life, I realized just how much I missed telling no one about my life. So here it goes:

I have made the conscious decision to cut almost all ties with my father and do what ever I have to do to succeed without him. I'm dating someone who is pretty great, I'm about to start a new workout plan, and I'm actually having a really good time in school and such. It's a good life, at least that's what I'm told. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Communications 211

It's been exactly one month since my feet have stepped on this hideously colored carpet. One professor. 24 students. The beige walls, and a tacky brown accent wall look back at me as I search for an empty seat. The projector hums overhead as I take a seat, third row back, end of the row. Professor Martin stands in front, with a McCafe cup, and her New Balance sneakers. She tells us of the joys of Media Mix Analysis, and the (cringe) math involved. 

Words can't possibly explain the feeling I have towards this room in my favorite building on campus: Mass Communication. Room 211 (and 215) have provided so many opportunities to me that I never thought I would experience. The opportunity to work in the best groups for group work, the opportunity to learn from my favorite professor, the opportunity for me to explore my talents, outside of what I already knew. I have built a resume, a business (from the ground up), I have built a brand, and found out a little about my personal brand too. 

Room 211 isn't just about the major, but the people I share/have shared the room with. Sandy Martin, professor. Chelsea Ratterman, best friend & confidante. Breanna Young, general bad ass. James Turnbow, bearded wonder. Matt Janey, chocolate wonder. This semester will bring plenty of new faces to 211 with me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resolution Season

As the new year comes to us, it's time to reflect on 2014, and all I will do and become in 2015. 


I saw the beginning of the year ring in with some friends. We played UNO and Scattergories and had a fun sleepover where I read a bed time story to my best friends as we all laid down to fall asleep. The Spring semester unveiled a 4.0 GPA and a new desire to succeed in my educational endeavors. Summer took a toll as I took 10 hours in a short span of time, but still managed some decent grades. Fall semester seems to have become the best so far, as I worked full time and did full time school. All the while gaining an office in my sorority, as well as the best person in the world as my best friend. I finished out Fall with a new sense of being, happy to have succeeded academically. 2014 brought me some amazing networking, it brought me more into the OKC and Dallas Ad communities, and it opened doors for me that I hope never close! 


2015 will see me applying to internships in OKC and Dallas, as well as working to better myself as a whole. It will see me starting my senior year of college and taking steps towards my career of choice. I look forward to what this year has in store for me. 

Resolution Revolution:

1) I resolve to train for a half marathon, to be ran by the end of 2015.
2) I resolve to be more positive and reflective of positive things, not only towards others, but towards myself as well.
3) I resolve to sleep earlier, and to wake up earlier. 
4) I resolve to eat better, ingest good for me, live good for me. 
5) I resolve to start lifting weights and to create a healthier lifestyle in my house. 

I wish you luck while you make your resolutions, and I hope you have the best New Year. Happy 2015, y'all. 

(Photo Cred: Pinterest)