Wednesday, December 24, 2014

50 Rules to Live By

After reading this on a prompt, I thought it would be fun to come up with some of my own!

1) if you have never failed, learn how to do so gracefully.

2) if you think you can or can't, you're right. 

3) never ever doubt what nobody is sure about. 

4) if you don't like it, change it. nothing is permanent anymore. 

5) get the damn tattoo. it won't matter in 50 years.

6) try new things. life is too short to go out having only tried a few things. 

7) don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. 

8) appreciate the little things, they get you where you need to be. 

9) crunchy leaves should always be stepped on.

10) pumpkin is not reserved for the holidays. 

11) family is not always blood sometimes you choose that.

12) build a blanket fort. your inner child will love you.

13) it's okay to be an adult and still ride rides at the amusement park. 

14) conquer your fear of heights, because the view is so much better. 

15) stay focused, there's a big difference between working the corner and the corner office. 

16) learn how to do something. your brain will thank you later in life. 

17) be creative. let your juices flow! creativity is the most beautiful thing!

18) you can never have too many friends. but don't let the best ones lose value. 

19) eat the chocolate, have the candy, but don't go overboard.

20) take warm baths and showers, because watching the steam come off your skin is cool at any age. 

21) there's always room for a couple of drinks with friends. 

22) watch sports, movies, or anything. just take it in.

23) learn a new language, even if it's pig latin, you will still smile. 

24) smile. a lot. 

25) turn the volume up too loud. just do it. 

26) don't paint a room in your house your favorite color. it won't be your favorite for long. 

27) leggings are only pants inside the house. 

28) order the big shirt every once in a while. 

29) Disney will never get old. Ever. 

30) singing along is always okay, unless you're in a theatre. 

31) do not underestimate the importance of being honest or sincere.

32) be kind, even when it is difficult.

33) keep in touch with those who touched your life. 

34) shake hands firmly. kiss gently. 

35) the side of the bed doesn't matter, what matters is who you share it with. 

36) go out sometimes. no one remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep. 

37) look at the stars. 

38) pizza is always an option. always. so are breadsticks. 

39) be passionate. just let it flow. 

40) you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. 

41) take chances, make mistakes, get messy!

42) the answer to the universe is found by perseverance. 

43) be kind and be frank.

44) sleep can solve anything. 

45) there is nothing you can not get through. 

46)  if you can dream it, you can be it. never let anyone tell you other wise. 

47) if you want it, work for it. it makes the end result even better. 

48) money is simply a way of getting there, but it is not the journey.

49) be happy with nothing, and be happy with everything. 

50) always remember that someone loves you.

(this was reposted from my Wordpress) 

Merry Christmas to All...

Today I spent my Christmas Eve evening with my little diamond sister, Chelsea. She is my everything. She keeps me sane, she takes care of me, and she has allowed me to adopt her family as my own. This means so much to me, as my relationship with my loved ones is often strained. My mom passed away when I was 16, and I am not particularly close to my dad or his side of the family. 
This holiday, and evening of fun playing Apples to Apples while shoving food in our (and her dogs) mouths, eating cupcakes, and sandwiches, gave me a reminder of how fortunate I really am. When I picked up another sister to drive with her to Chelsea's, I came into her home and walked up to her mom, her mom immediately stopped washing dishes to give me a big hug. I called her mom. When I arrived at Chelsea's, I walked in the house and began asking for mom. When her family and all her friends sat down to play the game, her dad sat next to me and we killed everyone at Apples to Apples and cracked jokes with each other, like it was the easiest thing to do. I have been welcomed into countless homes, families, and lives these last couple of years. I have several "moms" now, who stepped into the role when I desperately needed it. I am insanely blessed and thankful for the opportunity to have touched so many lives. I can't even begin to thank them enough for all they have done for me. 

...And to All, a Good Night. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Me and My Shoes

We have all heard of wearing different hats. Parent, lover, Mom, Dad, sister, friend, co-worker, director. Hats don't compliment my face very well, so I prefer to think of my "hats" as shoes. I have shoes for my job, shoes that usually get worn to class, and shoes that go on when I go out. 
My work shoes, a pair of filthy sneakers, represent the hard worker that I am. I work at a boarding facility for dogs, and dogs love to get muddy. The supplies we clean with, Odo-Ban and bleach, along with the wet, muddy, dog smell make up this pair's scent. They are gross, and they live in my garage, never coming into my house. They represent the part of me that is willing to be the woman that works a dirty job to support herself through college. My job is fun, no doubt, but it is messy.
My combat boots, these come in handy for nice occasions with friends, and I love them. Even though I am from Oklahoma, I have always been a little more combat boot than combat boot. When I wear these, I automatically feel more confident. Ready for combat (not really), ready for anything. 
My standard black ballet flats. I acquired this particular pair at a Target in Edmond, and they we're on sale. I was psyched. These are an everyday staple, from class to my second job at the YMCA. these are functional and adaptable, just like me. 

It's really cheesy, but my shoes change from day to day and so do I. If it fits, just rock it.