Tuesday, March 8, 2016

1213: How Traveling Alone in Chicago Changed Me

I'm from Oklahoma City. A map dot, encompassed in green pastures and oil field pump jacks. A cozy place, but a place where things aren't always "up to date". There is a great thing happening in OKC right now. A renaissance if you will, to revitalize the city, and make it better. I love the city, but lately I have been feeling like I need to spread my wings. 

I landed in Chicago on a warm Monday evening. I navigated Chicago's Midway airport, found my checked bag, and headed out to the Orange Line. Follow that with a train change to the Red Line, and a short walk from the L station at Grand and State, to my hostel: The Freehand Chicago. 

I check in with a very friendly guy named Alec. He is nice, and helpful. A breath of fresh air to me, after having walked half a mile in the wrong direction, and feeling lost in a giant city with a 30 pound bag on my shoulder. I finally get to make my way to my room, 1213, a 4 bunk room right smack dab in the middle of The Magnificent Mile, with a view of Bloomingdales Home store. 

My first "roomie" in this hostel is from Istanbul, Turkey. She's also in marketing and she seems very sweet. She tells me she will be up early; and when I left at 6:30 AM, she was still asleep. I slept great in a twin sized bed with 1 pillow. 

Fast forward through AAF's Mosaic Career Fair, where I met with and talked to recruiters from a ton of agencies in Chicago. I had a blast there, but that's another post for another day. 

I was exhausted, not enough sleep resulted in me really wanting to nap. So, I did. 4 hours later, I had 2 new roomies. One, Lisa, from Minneapolis by way of the Bahamas. The other, Monica, from Germany. Monica has never been to the States before, and asked me for some suggestions on what to see and do in Chi. We chatted about Europe, and Chicago, and my experience in the states. We talked about eating alone (which I did, and it was amazing!), and how I figure if I can do that, I can do anything. Then she said something to me about traveling, and becoming a person. She said, "it's all about ending up with a story, and I think you will have a good one."

Becoming an adult and getting ready to make the transition to post-graduate has been really hard for me. My security blanket is disappearing and I am struggling to sell myself to others. At the end of the day, we are all stories. That's what we have and what we share with one another.

As I lay here, listening to the sounds of the city 12 stories up, I have never felt so humble. I am moved by my passions for advertising, which brought me here in the first place. I am moved by my passion for travel, and my versatility in all situations. And finally, I am moved by my love for  other people's stories. I am moved by my interest in others, and my passion to know where others come from. 
So, thank you Monica. For wandering the city for a cup of coffee with me. For trying something new and getting an Uber with me. For taking the Red Line for one stop with me. Thank you for broadening my horizons, and letting me be a little piece of your experience here in America. When I come to Germany, I will definitely look you up. 

"We are all stories in the end, just make it a good one." -Doctor Who 

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