Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It Does Require a Vote: Elections and Advertising

And So, it is just past Super Tuesday and the polls and rumors are going insane. In my home state, the democratic primary is kind of like a mystery. Everyone has heard of it, but very few people see it. The majority of this state votes red; and then there is me: a very well educated 20-something with a bleeding heart for all things helpful toward my fellow person.

(This is a photo of how OK voted in the 2012 presidential election; the first presidential election I voted in!)

Because I'm not going to turn this blog post into some sort of "all republicans are wrong, and all liberals are right" (or vice versa) finger-pointing fest, I think now is a great point to introduce the point of the post! 

I'm going to critique some political advertisements! I will start with local (Oklahoma) spots and end on national spots for the presidential nomination. To make things a little more interesting, I will separate them by color/political affiliation. I will also only be reviewing political advertisements I have actually seen, so I am sorry if there is a candidate I might miss out on.

Local Okies: Republicans

So, here we are. The only local election we had during the primary was an election for court clerk in my county. Rick Warren had the only commercials I saw, and I can't even begin to tell you how obnoxious they are. I watch the local news channel for 4.5 hours every morning, and for the past few days, I have probably seen his commercial 20 times a day. I can't even show you, because the commercial is not online. I can't let it go though, and I had to make my thoughts known.

Editor's Note: I saw no democratic advertisements for the court clerk office.

National: Democrats

Bernie Sanders:
Well, I voted for Bernie. I guess you could say I #FeelTheBern, that had nothing to do with his commercials, and everything to do with how he communicates with and encourages unity and younger voters. We the people, right? 

My favorite commercial, "Together". It is quite the emotional visual, all about making things happen in our country together. Being a united people, not segregated by age, experience, wealth, passions, or skin colors. It matters to me, because unless we stand united, we fall divided. 

Hillary Clinton:

I didn't vote for Hillary because she didn't do well at collecting the "young" vote. She reached out to us, but she reached out in a way that was more "Netflix and Vote", than "People working 40 hours a week, shouldn't live in poverty".

I really love Morgan Freeman, and I need to know how to get him to narrate my life. So, props to Hillary for getting this really interesting thing to happen for you. Nothing to do with Hillary for me, it is everything to do with Morgan Freeman!

National: Republicans

Ted Cruz: 

I had to use the "butter cow" image, because to be honest, I find it hilariously American that it exists. Butter sculptures aside, Ted Cruz is America's evangelical candidate. He has the support of the Tea Party, and the majority of the Christians. 

In all fairness, I am not as creeped out now by Ted Cruz as I used to be. I don't like the support he receives from the extremes, and I don't really get it. The commercial is a pretty boxed response. The lens flares, and the music is basically it, as far as political commercials.

Donald Trump:

Donald Trump. Where do I even begin? The spray tan? The hair? The wall? The sheer racism? Who knows. Apparently we are building a wall and Mexico is paying for it. Trump and I don't share a lot of ideals, mainly because I have them. I haven't actually seen an ad for Trump, here in Oklahoma. But I have seen Trump's campaign miss spell my state's information each time he has come here. 

Three Times... THREE. Spell Check must not be for the 1 percent. 

Marco Rubio:

He is actually kind of cute, right? In this photo though, he kind of looks like he is in pain/trying not to poop his pants. Not that it bothers me, but I would have voted for him had I been a registered Republican. He seems like the least insane one. 

I didn't actually see this one, but I refuse to post the American/Canadian morning commercial. I don't know, I hope you enjoy it.

So there you have it. My review of a couple of political advertisements, and some of the candidates. I hope you all get who you want, unless you want Trump. 

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