Thursday, June 25, 2015

Life is a Beautiful Adventure

So, here we are. 6/25/2015. I am less than a year from graduating from college. I am very excited and very nervous. It's almost time to move up in the world, to have a job that I love. It feels strange that I'm so close to the point of culmination. I have been working at this for so long, it feels like I won't know what to do when it's gone. 

College graduate. A phrase I never could have imagined would be next to my name. And while I am not quite there yet, being who I am, I have already begun considering my choices for where I could end up. My minds unavoidable wondering has caught me daydreaming of places like New York City, or Chicago. Being of sound mind, and above average breast size (thanks Easy-A) I can't help but to question my sanity. I have never used public transportation. In the "small" (lol) city of Oklahoma City, public transportation is to be avoided like the plague unless you have no other choice. 

I grew up in a city of roughly 610 Thousand people, while Manhattan alone has 1.64 Million, not counting the other Burroughs. That's more than double. Chicago has 2.72 Million, that's more than QUADRUPLE. Needless to say, that's a lot more than I am used to. What's a girl from the Southern Midwest to do? 

I will tell you. She is to put her head high and submit some applications. If there is one thing my Southern Midwest (Okies really don't know how to label themselves geographically) lifestyle has taught me, it's that you always work your ass off for what you want. So what if the first trip I take to New York is the day I move there, or maybe even the time I go to be interviewed? I am bound and determined to see the world from more than the Tornado Alley. 

I have spent my entire young life Googling places like NYC, Chicago, London, and Tokyo. Because I haven't had the opportunity to go. I can't even imagine being able to wake up there. What if I move away and get the smell of the city on me? What if they hate the way I say y'all? What about the accent, will I lose it? Can I even get cornbread in NYC?! (Okay, but that's not a real concern I have.)

I have such an opportunity ahead of me, and I look forward to getting where I am going. Let me at 'em, & I will hit 'em with that Okie charm.